Asphalt Paving & Milling


What is Milling?

Asphalt milling is the process of repairing asphalt in a low-cost, eco-friendly manner. A milling machine is used on the asphalt to scrape the top layer of the asphalt. 

After removing the top layer, a new asphalt layer is paved over the existing layer to create a refined and compact surface. Gold Coast Pavers uses a roller to approximately 95% density; 8-10 roller for parking lots and 10-12 ton roller on roadways for all projects. 

Benefits of Asphalt Paving & Milling.

The benefits of asphalt paving and milling are incredible. It is a better solution for the environment and is more sustainable long term. It is also convenient to patch smaller areas rather than completely redoing an entire commercial lot. 

  • Safe and environmentally friendly

  • Extremely affordable

  • Patching capabilities

Commercial Asphalt Paving & Milling Services.

Gold Coast Pavers uses an asphalt miller that pulverizes any existing damaged asphalt into a reusable material used in a new road base. This innovative and efficient technology separates us from others in Long Island, NY, and surrounding areas.